court – Tipsy Society The things we can do with a little alcohol and a lot of Internets. Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:03:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 3-fer Drugstore Product Review Tue, 17 Jan 2012 12:00:53 +0000 I am a diehard drugstore cosmetic girl.  It’s not that I don’t like department store lines, I do purchase certain things like foundation and powder there; however, when it comes to eye shadow, blush, lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, etc–I love me some Loreal, Revlon, and various other drugstore brands.  Plus I really dig the prices, considering they are at least half of what you can expect to pay at a department store.

So….during my recent trip to CVS, there were huge displays of all the brand’s new products and I picked up three to give them a try.  I LOVE THEM ALL, so need to tell you about them.

  1. Nuance Salma Hayek Lasting Wear Gel Eyeliner ($9.99)-  I can’t say enough good things about this eyeliner.  I was very surprised and pleased.  I’m ALWAYS on the hunt for a good one, because one of the most important things to me is the ease of application.  For me, the harder it is to apply, means the worse my eyeliner ends up looking.  I sometimes end up looking like a 3 year old who has drawn connect the dots with my eye lids.  So I was thrilled to see that this gel pencil glides on.  Great for a clean, subtle lining, but also works really well when smudged for a bolder look.  Another benefit is it’s lasting power.  Granted I wore this over the weekend (for whatever reason, make up doesn’t stay on as long or seems to wear faster at work), but it really seemed to stay on and not end up on my eye lids, corner of my eyes, or the always lovely black under eye look.
  2. Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow (7.99) – This was my favorite of the three.  This shadow comes packed tightly in a small little pot and even has a cap within a cap that keeps this half loose/half packed shadow compressed.  The coverage is great on this, as it totally exceeded my expectation of all day eye shadow.  I got the Hourglass beige, as I have been on a nude/neutral kick lately, but I plan on going back for more colors since I liked it so much.
  3. REVLON Photoready Color Correcting Primer  ($12.99) – this stuff is perfect for my combination (pizza face) skin that sometimes leaves my face looking blotchy, red and uneven.  I put this on after my moisturizer and before my foundation.  It evens out my skin tone and creates a smooth canvas to apply foundation on.  Its not greasy, but its not too dry either.  Perfect.  I’ll definitely continue to use this.

There you have it.  Another thing that wasn’t new that I picked up during my trip was ol’ faithful Loreal Telescopic Mascara.  I’ll try other mascara, but I always come running back to this.


I am a diehard drugstore cosmetic girl.  It’s not that I don’t like department store lines, I do purchase certain things like foundation and powder there; however, when it comes to eye shadow, blush, lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, etc–I love me some Loreal, Revlon, and various other drugstore brands.  Plus I really dig the prices, considering they are at least half of what you can expect to pay at a department store.

So….during my recent trip to CVS, there were huge displays of all the brand’s new products and I picked up three to give them a try.  I LOVE THEM ALL, so need to tell you about them.

  1. Nuance Salma Hayek Lasting Wear Gel Eyeliner ($9.99)-  I can’t say enough good things about this eyeliner.  I was very surprised and pleased.  I’m ALWAYS on the hunt for a good one, because one of the most important things to me is the ease of application.  For me, the harder it is to apply, means the worse my eyeliner ends up looking.  I sometimes end up looking like a 3 year old who has drawn connect the dots with my eye lids.  So I was thrilled to see that this gel pencil glides on.  Great for a clean, subtle lining, but also works really well when smudged for a bolder look.  Another benefit is it’s lasting power.  Granted I wore this over the weekend (for whatever reason, make up doesn’t stay on as long or seems to wear faster at work), but it really seemed to stay on and not end up on my eye lids, corner of my eyes, or the always lovely black under eye look.
  2. Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow (7.99) – This was my favorite of the three.  This shadow comes packed tightly in a small little pot and even has a cap within a cap that keeps this half loose/half packed shadow compressed.  The coverage is great on this, as it totally exceeded my expectation of all day eye shadow.  I got the Hourglass beige, as I have been on a nude/neutral kick lately, but I plan on going back for more colors since I liked it so much.
  3. REVLON Photoready Color Correcting Primer  ($12.99) – this stuff is perfect for my combination (pizza face) skin that sometimes leaves my face looking blotchy, red and uneven.  I put this on after my moisturizer and before my foundation.  It evens out my skin tone and creates a smooth canvas to apply foundation on.  Its not greasy, but its not too dry either.  Perfect.  I’ll definitely continue to use this.

There you have it.  Another thing that wasn’t new that I picked up during my trip was ol’ faithful Loreal Telescopic Mascara.  I’ll try other mascara, but I always come running back to this.

I am a diehard drugstore cosmetic girl.  It’s not that I don’t like department store lines, I do purchase certain things like foundation and powder there; however, when it comes to eye shadow, blush, lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, etc–I love me some Loreal, Revlon, and various other drugstore brands.  Plus I really dig the prices, considering they are at least half of what you can expect to pay at a department store.

So….during my recent trip to CVS, there were huge displays of all the brand’s new products and I picked up three to give them a try.  I LOVE THEM ALL, so need to tell you about them.

  1. Nuance Salma Hayek Lasting Wear Gel Eyeliner ($9.99)-  I can’t say enough good things about this eyeliner.  I was very surprised and pleased.  I’m ALWAYS on the hunt for a good one, because one of the most important things to me is the ease of application.  For me, the harder it is to apply, means the worse my eyeliner ends up looking.  I sometimes end up looking like a 3 year old who has drawn connect the dots with my eye lids.  So I was thrilled to see that this gel pencil glides on.  Great for a clean, subtle lining, but also works really well when smudged for a bolder look.  Another benefit is it’s lasting power.  Granted I wore this over the weekend (for whatever reason, make up doesn’t stay on as long or seems to wear faster at work), but it really seemed to stay on and not end up on my eye lids, corner of my eyes, or the always lovely black under eye look.
  2. Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow (7.99) – This was my favorite of the three.  This shadow comes packed tightly in a small little pot and even has a cap within a cap that keeps this half loose/half packed shadow compressed.  The coverage is great on this, as it totally exceeded my expectation of all day eye shadow.  I got the Hourglass beige, as I have been on a nude/neutral kick lately, but I plan on going back for more colors since I liked it so much.
  3. REVLON Photoready Color Correcting Primer  ($12.99) – this stuff is perfect for my combination (pizza face) skin that sometimes leaves my face looking blotchy, red and uneven.  I put this on after my moisturizer and before my foundation.  It evens out my skin tone and creates a smooth canvas to apply foundation on.  Its not greasy, but its not too dry either.  Perfect.  I’ll definitely continue to use this.

There you have it.  Another thing that wasn’t new that I picked up during my trip was ol’ faithful Loreal Telescopic Mascara.  I’ll try other mascara, but I always come running back to this.

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New Years Survey: Court Wed, 04 Jan 2012 12:00:43 +0000 This where I insert my excuse for going MIA for a number of months 🙂  Life happens, right?  But this is a great post that’s always fun to do and lets me verbal vomit about my life in the last year.  So here goes it….

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?

Entered and completed a 10k and lived to write about it.  HAHAA.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I would say that I didn’t technically meet my resolution of losing the amount of weight that I wanted, but I am pumped for the new year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

OMG did they ever.  Sarah and AK both in one year.  It’s been a lot of baby talk round these parts.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, I had a cousin pass in July.  Very sad situation that really rattled my family.  Unfortunately my Aunt also died just last month while in the hospital under going heart surgery.  You just have to buckle down as a family and push through the good and the bad.  There was more bad this year than I would have liked.

5. What countries did you visit?

JAMAICA BABY.  Ben’s sis got married in Montego Bay and we were able to have a really badass vacation there in turn.  Snorkling was my favorite activity there.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you didn’t have in 2011?

A siamese cat that magically gets over his little man, I hate every other cat in the house so I am going to piss in a pile of clothes act.

7. What dates from 2011 will be etched upon your memory, and why?

Unfortunately my cousins death on July 27, 2011.  We were very close for a number of years and again, just took the whole thing pretty hard.  It was a very senseless situation.

I hate that the one thing that sticks out in my mind is a really bad event, but its what I think of first.

8. What was your biggest achievement of this year?

This isn’t entirely complete because the school is not over, but….volunteering to be and acting as homeroom mom.  With that comes organization of all class parties and field day.  It’s also given me more time with Austin at a time when he is really starting to naturally become more independent.   So far is been a lot of fun and I’ve been able to be front row for all of Austin’s activities at school.

9. What was your biggest failure?

I don’t have anything that I look back and said that I completely failed on.  There are times I have acted in ways that I shouldn’t have though.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

If sick is being defined as an illness or injury that actually had you down,  I do not believe I was sick one single time in 2011.  Tipsy ladies, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

A new TV for our bedroom.  I had thought before that I really didn’t care about TVs, until I got a nice upgraded one to watch my Law and Orders on.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Ben was great with all the deaths and goings on this year.  You know simple things like just sitting with someone at the hospital or in a funeral service make the world of difference.  You know that you have someone there that is giving you 100% of their support.

Another person that has totally blown me away is my dear friend Der.  Its been pretty amazing watching her take a natural gift and be able to turn into a career that makes everyone of her customers so happy.  Shes truly got something good going there.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?


14. Where did most your money go?

Its honestly felt like Austin ate, literally ate in food, my paycheck.  What little was left went to Austin’s first football season.  What a great experience and GREAT people watching.  Soccer was nothing compared to these characters.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I did/am totally wrapped up in the excitement of watching my best friends with their babies.  Its been a lot of fun to see all tha’ boys and its also fun that we are all boy moms now, some of us for the second time.  Its a very special club.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011?

“What Sarah Said” by Death Cab for Cutie

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?

Happier still.  It’s still been a fun year and I have the best people in my life.

Actually if you get down to technicalities, I am thinner–but not by much!


18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Traveling.  Its so nice to get out and see new places and experience new things.  I want to do more of that in 2012.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Worrying about things I can’t change.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

In Houston with my family and Ben’s family.  Christmas Eve is at my parents place with all of my Mom’s side of the family.  Its a fun and extremely loud and obnoxious gathering.  One of my Aunts threatened to “slap the shit” out of another one of my Aunts this year, so that’s always a good laugh.

21. Did you fall in love with 2011?

I think in any relationship you continue to get closer and closer when its going good.  So I would definitely say with Ben.  CHEESE BALL!

22. What was your favorite TV program?

DUDE….I seriously have an issue.  All I watch is Law and Order on DVDs.  Now that I have been through all of the Law and Order: SVUs,  I have moved on to the orignal Law and Orders.  I am seriously an addict.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?


24. What was the best book you read?

Absolutely fell head over heels for the Hunger Games Trilogy.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Sarah Jaffe. Actually Ben discovered her for me and took me to a concert.  She’s amazing and a REALLY chill.

26. What did you want and get?

You know I decided to look for a job in January of 2011 and in less than a month I landed a job that I absolutely love.  I think that was my best catch this year.

27. What did you want and not get?

Nothing I can even think of.

28. What was your favorite film of 2010?

I am going to go with….Limitless.  It had me tuned in from the second it started.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

On my 31st birthday Ben took me to a concert and then surprised me with a bunch of my friends that were already at a bar waiting for me to ring in the big 3-1.  I really felt like it was “my day”.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I think a TAD more organization would have helped.  I don’ think I am in immense need, but I started off the new year by organizaing all of my jewelry.  My next battle is my closet.  So I have high hopes to get more organized. 🙂

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2010?

Patterns and bangles.  I did a lot of thrift shopping this year as well.

32. What kept you sane?

The good and bad and up and downs of raising and being as involved as I can with Austin.  Its been work for Ben and I together as well.  Its definitely a learning process that never stops.

33. What political issue stirred you the most?

When that TV reporter had some type of seizure or something and was talking all crazy.  That stirred me real good.  Google it.  Thank me later.

34. Who did you miss?

I miss working my old co-workers, they were a really fun crew.  They have all also moved on to other jobs since then as well.  Its just so important to have people that make you laugh, you can talk to and rely on at work.  I spend more time at work than anywhere else, so that kind of thing is important to me.

35. Who was the best new person you met?

On Austin’s football team there are twin boys (age 10) that we have gotten to know during this year.  I have to say they are so damn cool and have a way of making you look at things in a totally different perspective.  They have two of the sweetest personalities and couldn’t have a better outlook on things, considering that haven’t had the best home life.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.

That you really should try to make the best of each relationship, day, conversation.

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Love is watching someone die.— Death Cab for Cutie



This where I insert my excuse for going MIA for a number of months 🙂  Life happens, right?  But this is a great post that’s always fun to do and lets me verbal vomit about my life in the last year.  So here goes it….

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?

Entered and completed a 10k and lived to write about it.  HAHAA.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I would say that I didn’t technically meet my resolution of losing the amount of weight that I wanted, but I am pumped for the new year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

OMG did they ever.  Sarah and AK both in one year.  It’s been a lot of baby talk round these parts.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, I had a cousin pass in July.  Very sad situation that really rattled my family.  Unfortunately my Aunt also died just last month while in the hospital under going heart surgery.  You just have to buckle down as a family and push through the good and the bad.  There was more bad this year than I would have liked.

5. What countries did you visit?

JAMAICA BABY.  Ben’s sis got married in Montego Bay and we were able to have a really badass vacation there in turn.  Snorkling was my favorite activity there.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you didn’t have in 2011?

A siamese cat that magically gets over his little man, I hate every other cat in the house so I am going to piss in a pile of clothes act.

7. What dates from 2011 will be etched upon your memory, and why?

Unfortunately my cousins death on July 27, 2011.  We were very close for a number of years and again, just took the whole thing pretty hard.  It was a very senseless situation.

I hate that the one thing that sticks out in my mind is a really bad event, but its what I think of first.

8. What was your biggest achievement of this year?

This isn’t entirely complete because the school is not over, but….volunteering to be and acting as homeroom mom.  With that comes organization of all class parties and field day.  It’s also given me more time with Austin at a time when he is really starting to naturally become more independent.   So far is been a lot of fun and I’ve been able to be front row for all of Austin’s activities at school.

9. What was your biggest failure?

I don’t have anything that I look back and said that I completely failed on.  There are times I have acted in ways that I shouldn’t have though.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

If sick is being defined as an illness or injury that actually had you down,  I do not believe I was sick one single time in 2011.  Tipsy ladies, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

A new TV for our bedroom.  I had thought before that I really didn’t care about TVs, until I got a nice upgraded one to watch my Law and Orders on.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Ben was great with all the deaths and goings on this year.  You know simple things like just sitting with someone at the hospital or in a funeral service make the world of difference.  You know that you have someone there that is giving you 100% of their support.

Another person that has totally blown me away is my dear friend Der.  Its been pretty amazing watching her take a natural gift and be able to turn into a career that makes everyone of her customers so happy.  Shes truly got something good going there.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?


14. Where did most your money go?

Its honestly felt like Austin ate, literally ate in food, my paycheck.  What little was left went to Austin’s first football season.  What a great experience and GREAT people watching.  Soccer was nothing compared to these characters.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I did/am totally wrapped up in the excitement of watching my best friends with their babies.  Its been a lot of fun to see all tha’ boys and its also fun that we are all boy moms now, some of us for the second time.  Its a very special club.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011?

“What Sarah Said” by Death Cab for Cutie

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?

Happier still.  It’s still been a fun year and I have the best people in my life.

Actually if you get down to technicalities, I am thinner–but not by much!


18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Traveling.  Its so nice to get out and see new places and experience new things.  I want to do more of that in 2012.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Worrying about things I can’t change.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

In Houston with my family and Ben’s family.  Christmas Eve is at my parents place with all of my Mom’s side of the family.  Its a fun and extremely loud and obnoxious gathering.  One of my Aunts threatened to “slap the shit” out of another one of my Aunts this year, so that’s always a good laugh.

21. Did you fall in love with 2011?

I think in any relationship you continue to get closer and closer when its going good.  So I would definitely say with Ben.  CHEESE BALL!

22. What was your favorite TV program?

DUDE….I seriously have an issue.  All I watch is Law and Order on DVDs.  Now that I have been through all of the Law and Order: SVUs,  I have moved on to the orignal Law and Orders.  I am seriously an addict.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?


24. What was the best book you read?

Absolutely fell head over heels for the Hunger Games Trilogy.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Sarah Jaffe. Actually Ben discovered her for me and took me to a concert.  She’s amazing and a REALLY chill.

26. What did you want and get?

You know I decided to look for a job in January of 2011 and in less than a month I landed a job that I absolutely love.  I think that was my best catch this year.

27. What did you want and not get?

Nothing I can even think of.

28. What was your favorite film of 2010?

I am going to go with….Limitless.  It had me tuned in from the second it started.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

On my 31st birthday Ben took me to a concert and then surprised me with a bunch of my friends that were already at a bar waiting for me to ring in the big 3-1.  I really felt like it was “my day”.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I think a TAD more organization would have helped.  I don’ think I am in immense need, but I started off the new year by organizaing all of my jewelry.  My next battle is my closet.  So I have high hopes to get more organized. 🙂

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2010?

Patterns and bangles.  I did a lot of thrift shopping this year as well.

32. What kept you sane?

The good and bad and up and downs of raising and being as involved as I can with Austin.  Its been work for Ben and I together as well.  Its definitely a learning process that never stops.

33. What political issue stirred you the most?

When that TV reporter had some type of seizure or something and was talking all crazy.  That stirred me real good.  Google it.  Thank me later.

34. Who did you miss?

I miss working my old co-workers, they were a really fun crew.  They have all also moved on to other jobs since then as well.  Its just so important to have people that make you laugh, you can talk to and rely on at work.  I spend more time at work than anywhere else, so that kind of thing is important to me.

35. Who was the best new person you met?

On Austin’s football team there are twin boys (age 10) that we have gotten to know during this year.  I have to say they are so damn cool and have a way of making you look at things in a totally different perspective.  They have two of the sweetest personalities and couldn’t have a better outlook on things, considering that haven’t had the best home life.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.

That you really should try to make the best of each relationship, day, conversation.

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Love is watching someone die.— Death Cab for Cutie


This where I insert my excuse for going MIA for a number of months 🙂  Life happens, right?  But this is a great post that’s always fun to do and lets me verbal vomit about my life in the last year.  So here goes it….

1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?

Entered and completed a 10k and lived to write about it.  HAHAA.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I would say that I didn’t technically meet my resolution of losing the amount of weight that I wanted, but I am pumped for the new year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

OMG did they ever.  Sarah and AK both in one year.  It’s been a lot of baby talk round these parts.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, I had a cousin pass in July.  Very sad situation that really rattled my family.  Unfortunately my Aunt also died just last month while in the hospital under going heart surgery.  You just have to buckle down as a family and push through the good and the bad.  There was more bad this year than I would have liked.

5. What countries did you visit?

JAMAICA BABY.  Ben’s sis got married in Montego Bay and we were able to have a really badass vacation there in turn.  Snorkling was my favorite activity there.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you didn’t have in 2011?

A siamese cat that magically gets over his little man, I hate every other cat in the house so I am going to piss in a pile of clothes act.

7. What dates from 2011 will be etched upon your memory, and why?

Unfortunately my cousins death on July 27, 2011.  We were very close for a number of years and again, just took the whole thing pretty hard.  It was a very senseless situation.

I hate that the one thing that sticks out in my mind is a really bad event, but its what I think of first.

8. What was your biggest achievement of this year?

This isn’t entirely complete because the school is not over, but….volunteering to be and acting as homeroom mom.  With that comes organization of all class parties and field day.  It’s also given me more time with Austin at a time when he is really starting to naturally become more independent.   So far is been a lot of fun and I’ve been able to be front row for all of Austin’s activities at school.

9. What was your biggest failure?

I don’t have anything that I look back and said that I completely failed on.  There are times I have acted in ways that I shouldn’t have though.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

If sick is being defined as an illness or injury that actually had you down,  I do not believe I was sick one single time in 2011.  Tipsy ladies, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

A new TV for our bedroom.  I had thought before that I really didn’t care about TVs, until I got a nice upgraded one to watch my Law and Orders on.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Ben was great with all the deaths and goings on this year.  You know simple things like just sitting with someone at the hospital or in a funeral service make the world of difference.  You know that you have someone there that is giving you 100% of their support.

Another person that has totally blown me away is my dear friend Der.  Its been pretty amazing watching her take a natural gift and be able to turn into a career that makes everyone of her customers so happy.  Shes truly got something good going there.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?


14. Where did most your money go?

Its honestly felt like Austin ate, literally ate in food, my paycheck.  What little was left went to Austin’s first football season.  What a great experience and GREAT people watching.  Soccer was nothing compared to these characters.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I did/am totally wrapped up in the excitement of watching my best friends with their babies.  Its been a lot of fun to see all tha’ boys and its also fun that we are all boy moms now, some of us for the second time.  Its a very special club.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011?

“What Sarah Said” by Death Cab for Cutie

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?

Happier still.  It’s still been a fun year and I have the best people in my life.

Actually if you get down to technicalities, I am thinner–but not by much!


18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Traveling.  Its so nice to get out and see new places and experience new things.  I want to do more of that in 2012.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Worrying about things I can’t change.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

In Houston with my family and Ben’s family.  Christmas Eve is at my parents place with all of my Mom’s side of the family.  Its a fun and extremely loud and obnoxious gathering.  One of my Aunts threatened to “slap the shit” out of another one of my Aunts this year, so that’s always a good laugh.

21. Did you fall in love with 2011?

I think in any relationship you continue to get closer and closer when its going good.  So I would definitely say with Ben.  CHEESE BALL!

22. What was your favorite TV program?

DUDE….I seriously have an issue.  All I watch is Law and Order on DVDs.  Now that I have been through all of the Law and Order: SVUs,  I have moved on to the orignal Law and Orders.  I am seriously an addict.

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?


24. What was the best book you read?

Absolutely fell head over heels for the Hunger Games Trilogy.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Sarah Jaffe. Actually Ben discovered her for me and took me to a concert.  She’s amazing and a REALLY chill.

26. What did you want and get?

You know I decided to look for a job in January of 2011 and in less than a month I landed a job that I absolutely love.  I think that was my best catch this year.

27. What did you want and not get?

Nothing I can even think of.

28. What was your favorite film of 2010?

I am going to go with….Limitless.  It had me tuned in from the second it started.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

On my 31st birthday Ben took me to a concert and then surprised me with a bunch of my friends that were already at a bar waiting for me to ring in the big 3-1.  I really felt like it was “my day”.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I think a TAD more organization would have helped.  I don’ think I am in immense need, but I started off the new year by organizaing all of my jewelry.  My next battle is my closet.  So I have high hopes to get more organized. 🙂

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2010?

Patterns and bangles.  I did a lot of thrift shopping this year as well.

32. What kept you sane?

The good and bad and up and downs of raising and being as involved as I can with Austin.  Its been work for Ben and I together as well.  Its definitely a learning process that never stops.

33. What political issue stirred you the most?

When that TV reporter had some type of seizure or something and was talking all crazy.  That stirred me real good.  Google it.  Thank me later.

34. Who did you miss?

I miss working my old co-workers, they were a really fun crew.  They have all also moved on to other jobs since then as well.  Its just so important to have people that make you laugh, you can talk to and rely on at work.  I spend more time at work than anywhere else, so that kind of thing is important to me.

35. Who was the best new person you met?

On Austin’s football team there are twin boys (age 10) that we have gotten to know during this year.  I have to say they are so damn cool and have a way of making you look at things in a totally different perspective.  They have two of the sweetest personalities and couldn’t have a better outlook on things, considering that haven’t had the best home life.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.

That you really should try to make the best of each relationship, day, conversation.

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Love is watching someone die.— Death Cab for Cutie


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Fabulous Footwear Friday: Crochet Cuties Fri, 05 Aug 2011 15:00:31 +0000

I think these would be the perfect pair of cuties to spruce up a summer outfit for a party or a day out with the girls shopping.  I love the detail in the crochet and this particular style is all the rage.


I think these would be the perfect pair of cuties to spruce up a summer outfit for a party or a day out with the girls shopping.  I love the detail in the crochet and this particular style is all the rage.

I think these would be the perfect pair of cuties to spruce up a summer outfit for a party or a day out with the girls shopping.  I love the detail in the crochet and this particular style is all the rage.

Etsy Spotlight: Little Things Studio Mon, 01 Aug 2011 15:00:16 +0000 Little Things Studio is such a fun and whimsical find.  It pairs great patterns with lovely quotes from legends such as E.E. Cummings and CoCo Chanel.   I love the words of wisdom on the prints and the unique geometric work.  Framed this would add a burst of color and funk to any room.

If Everyone Is Thinking Alike Then Someone Isn’t Thinking

In Order To Be Irreplaceable One Must Always Be Different

American Quilts – Hancock

It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Be Who You Really Are

The Smallest Things Take Up The Most Room In Your Heart


Little Things Studio is such a fun and whimsical find.  It pairs great patterns with lovely quotes from legends such as E.E. Cummings and CoCo Chanel.   I love the words of wisdom on the prints and the unique geometric work.  Framed this would add a burst of color and funk to any room.

If Everyone Is Thinking Alike Then Someone Isn’t Thinking

In Order To Be Irreplaceable One Must Always Be Different

American Quilts – Hancock

It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Be Who You Really Are

The Smallest Things Take Up The Most Room In Your Heart

Little Things Studio is such a fun and whimsical find.  It pairs great patterns with lovely quotes from legends such as E.E. Cummings and CoCo Chanel.   I love the words of wisdom on the prints and the unique geometric work.  Framed this would add a burst of color and funk to any room.

If Everyone Is Thinking Alike Then Someone Isn’t Thinking

In Order To Be Irreplaceable One Must Always Be Different

American Quilts – Hancock

It Takes Courage To Grow Up And Be Who You Really Are

The Smallest Things Take Up The Most Room In Your Heart

Jamaicin Me Crazy Fri, 15 Jul 2011 15:00:05 +0000 Feast you eyes on THIS.  This is my upcoming vacay with the man and his family.

Besides the fact that I can’t.freaking.wait, I have a couple of questions.  Some attractions have been tossed around and I’ve done a few and some sound like they aren’t really my style.  Looking for some input.

  1. Snorkeling (definitely one of my top picks)
  2. Swimming with the dolphins (really?  shouldn’t we just leave them alone)
  3. Horseback riding (also, sounds like fun)
  4. Para-sailing (I’ve done this several times and loved it)
  5. Sit back and drink by the beach and make it not worth their while to offer me an ALL INCLUSIVE vacay

Whatcha think??

Photo Courtesy of Riu Resort Montego Bay


Feast you eyes on THIS.  This is my upcoming vacay with the man and his family.

Besides the fact that I can’t.freaking.wait, I have a couple of questions.  Some attractions have been tossed around and I’ve done a few and some sound like they aren’t really my style.  Looking for some input.

  1. Snorkeling (definitely one of my top picks)
  2. Swimming with the dolphins (really?  shouldn’t we just leave them alone)
  3. Horseback riding (also, sounds like fun)
  4. Para-sailing (I’ve done this several times and loved it)
  5. Sit back and drink by the beach and make it not worth their while to offer me an ALL INCLUSIVE vacay

Whatcha think??

Photo Courtesy of Riu Resort Montego Bay

Feast you eyes on THIS.  This is my upcoming vacay with the man and his family.

Besides the fact that I can’t.freaking.wait, I have a couple of questions.  Some attractions have been tossed around and I’ve done a few and some sound like they aren’t really my style.  Looking for some input.

  1. Snorkeling (definitely one of my top picks)
  2. Swimming with the dolphins (really?  shouldn’t we just leave them alone)
  3. Horseback riding (also, sounds like fun)
  4. Para-sailing (I’ve done this several times and loved it)
  5. Sit back and drink by the beach and make it not worth their while to offer me an ALL INCLUSIVE vacay

Whatcha think??

Photo Courtesy of Riu Resort Montego Bay

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My Baby is 9! Tue, 24 May 2011 15:00:29 +0000 You know Aus from here and you may recognize him from here.  He’s the light of my life, keeps me laughing every day and has been an honor to raise for the last 9 years!  I absolutely love being a mom and more beneficially feel so lucky to be HIS mom.  Happy Birthday Austin!


You know Aus from here and you may recognize him from here.  He’s the light of my life, keeps me laughing every day and has been an honor to raise for the last 9 years!  I absolutely love being a mom and more beneficially feel so lucky to be HIS mom.  Happy Birthday Austin!

You know Aus from here and you may recognize him from here.  He’s the light of my life, keeps me laughing every day and has been an honor to raise for the last 9 years!  I absolutely love being a mom and more beneficially feel so lucky to be HIS mom.  Happy Birthday Austin!

Dream Team: Loreal Style Thu, 21 Apr 2011 19:00:15 +0000 A little bit ago, Melis introduced us to this little pot of magic.  I will say, it works great.  I thought it couldn’t get any better until I found this Loreal Magic Smooth Souffle.

It’s give the smoothest, weightless finish that  I have ever had with any primer/foundation combo.  A couple of drawbacks:

  1. The pot.  I hate swiping my fingers in a pot, getting the dirty, etc.
  2. It’s so light, it needs reapplication if you have evening plans.

All of this considered it’s definitely worth the 11 dollar drugstore investment and is the perfect pair with Melis’ previous primer.


A little bit ago, Melis introduced us to this little pot of magic.  I will say, it works great.  I thought it couldn’t get any better until I found this Loreal Magic Smooth Souffle.

It’s give the smoothest, weightless finish that  I have ever had with any primer/foundation combo.  A couple of drawbacks:

  1. The pot.  I hate swiping my fingers in a pot, getting the dirty, etc.
  2. It’s so light, it needs reapplication if you have evening plans.

All of this considered it’s definitely worth the 11 dollar drugstore investment and is the perfect pair with Melis’ previous primer.

A little bit ago, Melis introduced us to this little pot of magic.  I will say, it works great.  I thought it couldn’t get any better until I found this Loreal Magic Smooth Souffle.

It’s give the smoothest, weightless finish that  I have ever had with any primer/foundation combo.  A couple of drawbacks:

  1. The pot.  I hate swiping my fingers in a pot, getting the dirty, etc.
  2. It’s so light, it needs reapplication if you have evening plans.

All of this considered it’s definitely worth the 11 dollar drugstore investment and is the perfect pair with Melis’ previous primer.

Hump Day Happy Hour: Messina Hof Find Wed, 20 Apr 2011 19:00:51 +0000 Remember this?  Well, if I had not had gone and almost killed myself falling on my ass off a bridge had the time of my life, I would never have found this gem.

Just the right about of raspberry and perfect amount of bubbly tang.  Der loved it as well, we both snagged a bottle.  Would definitely recommend for a crisp change of pace.


Remember this?  Well, if I had not had gone and almost killed myself falling on my ass off a bridge had the time of my life, I would never have found this gem.

Just the right about of raspberry and perfect amount of bubbly tang.  Der loved it as well, we both snagged a bottle.  Would definitely recommend for a crisp change of pace.

Remember this?  Well, if I had not had gone and almost killed myself falling on my ass off a bridge had the time of my life, I would never have found this gem.

Just the right about of raspberry and perfect amount of bubbly tang.  Der loved it as well, we both snagged a bottle.  Would definitely recommend for a crisp change of pace.

Round Top Roundup 2011 Thu, 07 Apr 2011 15:00:50 +0000 This past weekend I joined Tipsy ladies Court and Der on their annual trip to the big antiques/craft show in Round Top, Tx. Unfortunately, the other half of the Tipsy Society were unable to attend due to all the babies being born around here.  We drank too much beer, spent too much money, and ultimately had a blast. Here are some memories from that day…

We learned from the lady at the gas station, who may or may not have been drinking on the job, that Round Top is officially the smallest town in Texas

Court obtained a new tool to go along with her mini champagne, and a cute new wristlet.

We came prepared with a travel beer cooler to help us make it through the day.

Court hesitated about this giant red bowl, and Der swooped in and bought it.

She also found a very cute personalized blanket for Aiden.

I found a cute little green end table for dirt cheap.

And Court splurged on a beaded cross cuff bracelet, which she talked about every 5 minutes for the rest of the day.


This past weekend I joined Tipsy ladies Court and Der on their annual trip to the big antiques/craft show in Round Top, Tx. Unfortunately, the other half of the Tipsy Society were unable to attend due to all the babies being born around here.  We drank too much beer, spent too much money, and ultimately had a blast. Here are some memories from that day…

We learned from the lady at the gas station, who may or may not have been drinking on the job, that Round Top is officially the smallest town in Texas

Court obtained a new tool to go along with her mini champagne, and a cute new wristlet.

We came prepared with a travel beer cooler to help us make it through the day.

Court hesitated about this giant red bowl, and Der swooped in and bought it.

She also found a very cute personalized blanket for Aiden.

I found a cute little green end table for dirt cheap.

And Court splurged on a beaded cross cuff bracelet, which she talked about every 5 minutes for the rest of the day.

This past weekend I joined Tipsy ladies Court and Der on their annual trip to the big antiques/craft show in Round Top, Tx. Unfortunately, the other half of the Tipsy Society were unable to attend due to all the babies being born around here.  We drank too much beer, spent too much money, and ultimately had a blast. Here are some memories from that day…

We learned from the lady at the gas station, who may or may not have been drinking on the job, that Round Top is officially the smallest town in Texas

Court obtained a new tool to go along with her mini champagne, and a cute new wristlet.

We came prepared with a travel beer cooler to help us make it through the day.

Court hesitated about this giant red bowl, and Der swooped in and bought it.

She also found a very cute personalized blanket for Aiden.

I found a cute little green end table for dirt cheap.

And Court splurged on a beaded cross cuff bracelet, which she talked about every 5 minutes for the rest of the day.

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You Say It’s Your Birthday: SK! Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:45:46 +0000 Please join us in wishing Sarah a very happy birthday today.

To a great friend, a great new mom and  the cleanest freak we know!  Hope this year is filled with tons of fun.  We love you!


Please join us in wishing Sarah a very happy birthday today.

To a great friend, a great new mom and  the cleanest freak we know!  Hope this year is filled with tons of fun.  We love you!

Please join us in wishing Sarah a very happy birthday today.

To a great friend, a great new mom and  the cleanest freak we know!  Hope this year is filled with tons of fun.  We love you!

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