Sarah is a 20-something who was born, raised, and currently still resides in Texas. She is a Technical Writer, a job that most people have never heard of, and even though she works with a lot of geeks, she continues to maintain that she is NOT one. She is married to Kynn, a small town country boy living in the big city, they have an almost 2-year old named Charlie that continually keeps them on their toes, and a 6-year old black lab named Abigail, aka Abby. Sarah is a germ-a-phobe clean freak that loves all things
J.Crew knock-off JCrew. She also enjoys the Wine, Friends, wine and friends, Bud Light, and cowboy boots. (There is a reason she’s a member of the Tipsy society!)
You can email Sarah directly at sk AT tipsysociety DOT com and follow her on twitter at
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