Intervention Needed

I love it when my Mom comes to visit me; however….

This is what ALWAYS happens when she’s here.

  • We always shop ’til we drop.
  • It always takes me days to put things away.
  • Little to none of these items were on sale.
  • I’m embarrassed broke.



  1. Hmmm…I see a J Crew bag there. I’m like a salivating dog when I walk in that store. I start to panic and sweat and grab EVERYTHING! I can’t help you girl….I just don’t go anymore unless I have something I NEED. Right now, all the transistion stuff is out, so I tell myself to wait until April….

  2. @Tina: You are correct on the JCrew bag, and all of those shirts on the table are what were in THAT bag. I usually have great will power, but my Mom knows all the right things to say to get me in that store!!!! Oh well, I am trying not to hold it against my purchases… 🙂