THE Snack Trap

For all the mommies out there…when your child gets to the age where they an actually feed themselves…man o man it’s a wonderous thing RIGHT?!  I went on the hunt for a snack trap that my little guy could carry around and not make a huge mess. Sooooo my first purchase was #2.  #2 looks great in theory but that little top that you see…it can be ripped off very easily and the snack is no longer trapped.  FAIL.  Then I purchased #1, it seemed a little more secure.  However if you turn it upside down and shake VERY hard the snacks won’t be trapped.  FAIL.  Then I found the ONE.  #3.  It’s bigger, yes, it’s ugly, yes.  BUT.  The top screws on and the part they push their hand through to get to the snack…I’m telling you it’s virtually impossible for them to spill unless they are like my son who likes to grab a handful of cheerios and pull his hand out and sprinkle them all over the floor. FTW!

  1. Munchkin Snack Catchers, Amazon
  2. Made for Mom Snack Trap, Amazon
  3. Munchie Mug, Amazon