Baby Name Game

Trying to decide on baby names with my husband goes a little something like this:

  • Me: Oh, I like (insert cute name here)! How about that?
  • Husband: Hell no.
  • Me: But, why? Why don’t you like it?
  • Husband: I don’t know, I just don’t. I’ll know it when I hear it.
  • Me: Ok, well, are there any names that you like?
  • Husband: No, just keeping naming them and I’ll just tell you when I hear one I like.
  • Me: (use every ounce of energy I have left not to slap husband around)

So, I have been relying on reading pages upon pages of baby name books to get inspiration and these are the best ones that I have found.

  1. Amazon, Beyond Jennifer & Jason, Madison & Montana: What to Name Your Baby Now –  this is the newer version that haven’t read yet
  2. Amazon, The Baby Name Wizard
  3. Amazon, Baby Names Now: From Classic to Cool
  4. Amazon, The Everything Baby Names Book
  5. Amazon, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to 40,000 Baby Names


  1. I think boardroom rules apply. Only people with ideas get a vote.

  2. That sounds EXACTLY like my husband and I when I was pregnant with Ian. Good luck finding the perfect name!

  3. Ha! I think I could totally picture him saying that. We’re going with the “junior” route, so we lucked out and never had to think of a name. Good luck! Anything you pick will be just right. 🙂

  4. That is the exact conversation we had….VERBATIM. Before we found out the gender, it was worse. Thank the powers that be we had a boy because my husband thought he was a Von Trapp. His choices for a girl were: Bronwyn, Bridget and Gretchen. Seriously….
    He was NO help for boy’s names AT ALL. I finally narrowed it down to 2 that he didn’t gag at. My poor tot went without a name for several days until I just decided for both of us.
    Out of all of those books, I thought the Baby Name wizard was the BOMB!

  5. I’m loving on “To Kiss the Cook”‘s comment… Would very much like to extend this rule to “what would you like to eat tonight”?

  6. @JWo I always have ideas…so I don’t know what you talkin bout willis