Etsy Spotlight: Old New Again

I’ve been looking for a ampersand to hang on my wall…I’ve been thinking about hanging one in my bedroom…so as I was perusing Etsy what do you know! I found one! And in colors that are RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!  I’m thinking I may need to purchase more than just the ampersand.  That turquoise shelf is also calling my name.  That could be used for keys or dog leashes (Der) or necklaces or who knows what! So go check out the rest of the items at Old New Again, you may be surprised what you find!

P.S. they do other states besides Texas but you know I gotta represent!

P.P.S if I hang “nap” in my son’s room with it make it so?


  1. OMG could they be any better with the little glass jars that they put flowers in? Great find!

  2. @Angie Aren’t they adorable!!!