Grass is Always Greener

You know how you always want what you can’t have? Well, for me that is a pixie haircut. I have long since LOVED them… like could look at them for hours, but I just don’t think I could a) ever pull it off or b) stay married to my longer hair loving husband if I came home with less hair than him. All kidding aside, I really just have never had the guts to go through with it and maybe one day I will. Until then, I’ll just admire them from afar and force you to as well.

  1. Keira Knightley
  2. Katie Holmes
  3. Halle Berry
  4. Sienna Miller
  5. Zoe McLellan– This is probably my absolute fav.. god, I miss Dirty Sexy Money!
  6. Rhianna
photos courtesy of


  1. Christina says:

    I LOVE them too, but I’ve had a pixie twice in my life. Both times I kept it up for about a year. For some reason though I am afraid to get one again, even though I REALLY want one. I guess I’m afraid of what it will look like with the extra pregnancy weight…

  2. Christina says:

    Forgot to say Ginnifer Goodwin’s is my favorite:
    Ginnifer Goodwin’s Short Cropped Hairstyle

  3. You had a VERY close version of a pixie cut circa 2009 after your nuptuals and it was supe cute!!!!

  4. Emma Watson recently cut her hair and looks awesome!

    I had a pixie when I was about 20/21 and liked it. I was in school in Washington and my hair would just balloon out and frizz in the rain so this was easier for sure. It was easy to maintain but a pain when I decided to grow it out. I think it’s a chic look.

  5. @Christen did you look Keri Russell ala Felicity since your hair is curly?

  6. I’ve always wanted to try really short hair…but I hate growing it out….so I never do. I actually like my hair chin length and below my shoulders…but hate all the in between….so I just leave it long. But I dream of going really short one day….

  7. Ha, no! My hair has gotten curlier over the years (and I think I’ve found different products that bring it out) and I had it cut SO short that there was so room for curl. I basically had the same haircut as the guy I was dating at the time. 🙂