Hump Day Happy Hour Meets Tipsy Favs

Everybody has their GO-TO drink right? Well we thought we’d share with yall what ours is.  This is our first choice drink, the drink if they discontinued off the face of the other we would all be totally bummed.

  1. Sarah-Bud Light-Any day, place, or time, if I’m given a choice, I’ll always go for an ice cold Bud Light…in a bottle please!
  2. Der-Michelob Ultra-Mic Ulty is my favorite of all time and the second this baby pops out.. there better be an ice cold one waiting on me!
  3. AK-Margarita-Just give me a regular old frozen margarita and I’m happy! No salt!
  4. Court-Zilch Margarita-Love love this stuff. Tastes justtttt like a Marg with no cals. They go down real easy so watch it!

What is your GO-TO drink?


  1. Mine has changed over time: screwdriver, cape codder, Lemon Drop (hmm, vodka seems to be the common denominator), red wine, Sierra Nevada beer… Guess I’m an equal-opportunity boozer?

    Also, we have been “taste-testing” the signature cocktail ideas for the wedding and aside from being buzzed for three evenngs straight they have all been tasty! Aaahhhh…decisions!

  2. @Christen BUZZED THREE EVENINGS STRAIGHT! I love it! You are a hardcore Tipsy fan hahahahah

  3. @christen I’m def a vodka girl too if I’m swinging that way for the evening aka I want to wind up with an IV in my arm and vomitting.. oh wait, that was Jaeger!

  4. Any Mexican beer…corona, tecate, pacifico…just make sure it’s cold and with plenty of salt and lime. And I need one now!!!!

    As far as the hard core nights…vodka gimlet, straight up. Premium vodka, lots of lime, shaken until it’s super cold.

    Umm…can u tell the day I’ve had based on how into this post I am?!?

  5. @AK: You drink your margs like my BFF! I am always up with salt. Opposites attract, right?

    @Der: Just reading the word “Jaeger” gives me the heaves. Also reminds me of some bad decisions on a business trip to Colorado Springs years ago. Ah, to be 22 again and have no ability to tell that barfing and a horrid hangover are imminent…

  6. @Danielle a gimlet sounds right up my alley. Vodka is my second choice after Tequila honestly..

    @Christen YES Opposites attract–look at all the tipsy gals 2 beers and 2 margs nutso! Jaeger gives me the heaves too..but you know what is worse in terms of heaves–Goldschlagger…UGH YUCK DON’T MAKE ME RELIVE THAT.

  7. @AK – funny you mention Goldschlagger. The infamous aforementioned Jaeger night? ALSO involved Goldschlagger. It’s really not a mystery why I slept next to the toilet that night.

  8. Where do you get that Zilch stuff? I’ve never heard of it, but it sounds perfect to me!!

  9. @Anu in Texas we can get it at Spec’s, our liquor store around here…but if you can’t find it there they have a website:

  10. @Christen I think any night that involves Goldschlagger also involves a toilet. period. the end.

  11. @Christen: I am constantly chasing a good lemon drop. Der and crew and I had some AWESOME ones at a bar one night a couple of years ago. Never had one that taste that good one again.