iPhone Covers

I am in need of a new cover for my iPhone, and I’m LOVING all of these…how does a girl choose!?!?

  1. Amazon, Speck Pixel Skin Case
  2. Amazon, Speck See Thru Case
  3. Amazon, Bubble Diamante Protector
  4. Amazon, Otterbox Commuter TL
  5. Amazon, Otterbox Commuter TL
  6. Amazon, Speck Candyshell Case


  1. I have #1- it was recommended by the employees in the Apple store for being the best protection. It’s a tiny bit bulkier than others, but it always endures a drop unphased!

  2. I just got a new one and this is what I got…I like it so far: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002HMC1EW/?tag=weea-20

  3. I tried one of those sparkly ones and it hurt my face when I talked on it. So give it a test drive before you buy!

  4. I have the Speck case, but in Hello Kitty/Barbie Hot Pink (I wanted to be able to find it easily in my purse!) – it’s bionically indestructable. Seriously. My 9 and 4yr olds have dropped that thing 100 times and NOTHIN’.

    Recommended, yo.