Baby Activity

When I originally registered for baby Knight, I thought the Bright Start Around We Go activity center would be perfect for when our little one starts getting busy and needing entertainment.  However, I recently started second guessing myself because several of my closest pals are swearing by the jumpers

So friends, should I take my activity center back and get a bouncer? What will the baby like/use more do you think?


  1. Sarah, AJ LOVES his bouncer. It provides baby with tons of bouncy fun and Mom with hands free time and bouncy entertainment. I say go bouncer.

  2. I say go both…when I was working from home they were both invaluable because each provided him entertainment but you could switch out for a change of scenery. The bouncer is great early on and then once their legs get stronger and they can stand for longer then the Bright Start was really great and he’d learn how to walk around to get to different things he wanted. The Bright Start obviously outlasted the bouncer for a good long while because it has several settings as they grow and you can detach the table and still use it. So I say go both…

  3. Keep the activity center *and* get the jumper. My kids like both…and I like being able to give them some variety. It has to be boring being a baby.

  4. It really depends on the baby. My daughter wanted nothing to do with activity centers and would scream bloody murder if you put her in one – but she would spend hours in the baby jumper, content as could be.

  5. Thanks for the tips guys!