$3 Hair Euphoria

Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo is a new product and looked interesting, so I bought it. I tried it on my grease ball second day hair and ran screaming into my guest room to tell Melis: IT WORKS! IT SMELLS GREAT (much much better than Treseme)! IT’S $3! We had thought it was too good to be true, but no. And you would think I would have more cool things going on than to be super pumped about a hair product, but also no.


  1. omg! so excited, i might have to pick this up today 😉

  2. Nice! I had wondered if it was any good, because it was so ridiculously cheap. Do any of the Tipsy ladies have short hair? Part of my problem with second-day hair is that it sticks up like mad. Suggestions?

  3. MichelleG says:

    JUST discovered this two weeks ago – everything you say is truuuue! smells infinitely better than Treseme (eeww, ewww, ewww) and it works and is wonderful! 🙂