Riding the Wave

I got this new contraption and I have to tell the blog world about it. It’s a large barreled wave iron by Revlon and I love it. I got it from my local Target and barely contained myself long enough to rip open the packaging and test it out. I ran it very quickly through my hair within 5 minutes and this was the result.

Perfect beachy waves for summer. I am positive if I take more time and accuracy I could produce some more clean and perfect waves too. Run, do not walk and get yourself one too!


  1. I love it!

  2. I love it too! I might have to go to target tonight!

  3. Melissa says:

    Seriously, just clamped and ran it through your hair? Did you twist or roll or anything? My hair is a little shorter than yours, and last weekend I tried a curling iron, but the barrel was too big. Was thinking of going for a smaller one, but now that I see this…I might have to try this instead.

  4. you look awesome derby!

  5. Love it! kind of makes me want my long hair back so I could play more with it!

  6. Has anyone with longer hair tried it? I think I would have to move it down my hair a couple of times, but I love that wavy look. I may just get one out of curiosity at lunch…

  7. I think this is just what I need.

  8. Christina says:

    It looks so good! I need to get one this weekend!

  9. Yes, seriously just ran it thru… no biggie at all. LOVE this thing. My sister (Melis) used it over the weekend and she had great results and her hair is shorter than mine.