Muddling Through

So, obviously, when you have your first bambino, your life changes in ways that you CANNOT imagine. Here are a few of the things that have gotten me through the first month of motherhood:

  1. Dunkin Donuts coffee
  2. Moby Wrap: Hands down the BEST baby sling ever…it lets me comfort my baby and be completely hands free.
  3. Medela Symphony Pump: No, I did not buy one of these pricey pumps, but I did rent one and let me tell you…it saved my baby and I a LOT of tears.
  4. iPhone: I’m just not sure what women did before iPhones…


  1. I am with you on the iPhone… I have a 5 mo. old and have said to my friends numerous times that it saved my sanity! I mean the HOURS spent in the dark, nursing… what did women DO before this??! (and esp. love that my Kindle syncs with my iPhone. I’ve read more books since I’ve had her than before, even if I do most of my reading at 2am 🙂

  2. I could have written this same post a year or so ago. My son is nearly 18 months now but oh how I have not forgotten these days. And the DD coffee and iPhone are still representing!

    I nursed and pumped for 13 months and felt like I may have had a closer relationship with Medela than with my husband during this time. Ha!