A New Nursery

Thanks for bearing with us lately…we know we haven’t posted as much as normal over the past month.  Everybody got a little busy what with some of us birthin’ babies, keeping up with existing babies plus end of school year stuff.  We’ll eventually get back on track…PROMISE!

So on to the new post today!  If you have been keeping up with some of my instagrams you’ll see that we welcomed a new baby boy on May 9th.  And I just wanted to give you a little tour of his room.  We used a ton of the same stuff from my first born’s nursery, like the glider, crib, mobile, etc.  I just kinda stuck with the same artists and etsy shops that I used last time but different animals. And I also decided to do a small hedgehog theme…sorta like how I did a small owl theme in his brother’s room.  It came together pretty quickly!


  1. Congratulations!! That room is so cute – I love the faux taxidermy 🙂

    • Oh thank you!! My oldest also has a faux taxidermy as well…the shop I buy them from call it feltidermy 🙂