Nail Help

ak-nail emergency
So I have been having a nail dilemma for a while now…I know that if I don’t go get manicures then I bite my nails. Time has been a problem for the last year in terms of getting manicures, so you can just imagine the state of my nails. I generally only have time to go get a manicure on a Saturday afternoon. Obviously sometimes that just doesn’t work out. So I need to get into some sort of new home routine that keeps everything looking somewhat nice so I don’t bite them. A LONG time ago I posted this home mani, and I can definitely get on that train again for sure. I also bought these nail wipes (IMPULSE PURCHASE) recently that I think will help when the polish starts chipping and I can’t get back to the nail salon.
Josie Maran Bear Naked Nail Wipes

So tell me, what should I do in terms of base coat and top coat at home when I can’t get to the salon? And for those stay at home mamas when do you do your home nail care? Nap time? After the kiddos are in bed? When? HELP!


  1. I’ve been trying to do at home pedis but no matter when I do them, 9am…I still get sheet marks. I can’t understand it. I can do a 4pm salon pedi and its fine. At home it’s like it never sets. So clearly I’m zero help.

    • Have you tried that thing I’ve seen on pinterest where you spray them with cooking spray and it’s instantly dry?

  2. I got some Essie 3-way glaze a while back and it seems to be the only way I can keep a manicure looking good beyond the 3 day mark. I’ve never done the cooking spray trick, but I have a spray from Avon that does the same thing. It feels pretty similar to cooking spray, so I’d guess it would work fine. The trick I’ve found is to let the polish set for a few minutes, spray, wait another couple minutes and then gently smooth the nail surface with your fingers.

    • oh interesting! so the 3 way glaze is that like base and top coat or is it everything in one with the nail color too or what? I think I’m going to for sure try the cooking spray and see how that does. I’m in need of longer finger nails before I go color yet but I might try it on my toes for now.