Confessions of Tipsy Girls

Ok, so a couple of us may not have been completely open with everyone over the past few months.  I told my fellow tipsy gal AK its time we come clean.

Confession the first:  AK and I are true to the game Twilighters.  Don’t hate the players, or the game.  Sure we may be a tad behind, but these books–damnation, we couldn’t put them down (see next confession).

Confession the second:  AK and I both were known to read said books while driving at stop lights.

Confession the third:  I loved these books so much I went into a complete trance while reading.  Also, I love the name Emse so much, I’ve called dibs if I have a girl 🙂

And finally, I have to have this jacket:

Twilight Jacket – holy hell, I am totally in love.  Just the thing I need.  Combines my love for Twilight, hoodies and all things awesome.

Oh, one more thing–TEAM EDWARD BABY!