Holiday Help

I saw a story on Good Morning America a few weeks ago that I thought was a really good idea and needed to pass along…

When I hear “holiday help”, I always think of the seasonal help, but GMA pointed out that there are tons of way to make money or for you to have your own personal help during this always way too busy season. So, here are a few ways to “help” this holiday season:

  • Offer or hire someone to address and mail Holiday cards.
  • Offer or hire someone to run errands and pick up gifts for you.
  • Offer or hire someone to wrap your presents.
  • Offer or hire someone to take gifts back after the Holidays are over.

If you need a little spending $$$ this season or if you’re finding yourself with little time to get ANYTHING accomplished, don’t be shy to ask around…some of your friends might be the perfect choice to for “holiday help”!