iPhone Apps: Twitter for iPhone vs Echofon

So back when the Tipsy crew started tweeting in 2007 we were all using Twitter via text.  Now that the iPhone has come into most of our lives (still trying to convert Court) we have all these Twitter apps available that make our tweeting lives so much easier!

Personally I have been using Twitter for iPhone (aka Tweetie) since I got my iPhone but still kept text alerts for the Tipsy peeps on so that I would be able to respond faster… Then I started looking into Echofon which has push notifications, but it costs $4.99.  Also the push notifications happen instantly when the other person is using Echofon, but within 15 minutes if they aren’t using Echofon.

So my question is…do any of you use these apps? Which do you prefer? Is there something better out there? Tell me!