Who Needs a Man??

My husband is a firefighter that works 24 hour shifts at a time several times a week, so he isn’t always around for dire emergencies…. Let’s say my wine cork is stuck way too tight for me to get out on my own*. I found this miraculous invention that almost takes his place and its under $10 bucks! I swear it will open ANYTHING.  Do yourself a favor and get one NOW.

der-who needs a man

Bed Bath and Beyond, EZ Twist Jar Opener ($6.99)

*Based on a true story.


  1. My husband is a cop, so I can relate. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I have one of these (got the blue one as a free sample!). Trust me — it works like a charm. I can never open up lids, just dont have the upper arm strength when my honey isnt home lol.