Hump Day Happy Hour: WINE!

You know, some happy hours just need to be wine. No mixing drinks and what not, just pour me a glass–quick fix!  I, myself, am a pinot grigio drinker.  Voga Italia pinot grigio can be found at your grocery store ladies.  I don’t know much about wine and I’m no connoisseur that’s for sure.  But I do know this…it’s like $8 and I LIKE IT!


  1. The red Voga variety is delicious as well!

  2. @duchessbelle Is it! I will pass that along to the other tipsy ladies. I can’t seem to drink red…I think its the sulfites but it makes me weez and sneeze–not pretty!

  3. I always see this, but have never tried it. I am a huge fan of pino, & and $8 price tag! Barefoot is also a good one for only 6.99 too! 🙂 This is making me thirsty

  4. @Liz dude, definitely try it–I really really like it.

  5. Always looking for new brands to try; I’m not afraid to experiment, but the wine aisle can be overwhelming and it’s no fun getting stuck in a rut! Looking forward to trying this!

    And since you ladies always hook me up, here’s one for you:
    Do you have Trader Joe’s near you? The Two-Buck Chuck Pinot G is nice!

  6. @Christen SONUVA no we don’t have Trader Joe’s!! Texas is HEB-land or Randalls or Kroger….no TJ. Wonder how we can get us some Two Buck to try over here?!

  7. Oh, Bummer! Two Buck Chuck is Trader Joe’s speak for Charles Shaw $1.99 wines. If you want to be fancy you can splurge for the $3.99. Anyway, TJ’s carries all kinds of fun, affordable wines (and, uh, food to soak up some of that wine). Our other favorite go-to for boozy needs is Cost Plus World Market. Good prices and selection.!

  8. @Christen Now we’re talkin’! We do have World Market and I believe all the ladies are familiar with their wine section. Got any favs?

  9. I like ice wines for a dessert option that isn’t sickly sweet. Jackson-Triggs is a crowd pleaser. Cakebread is good but the prices have shot up recently; however, their Chardonnay usually pleases even the biggest red wine snobs. Honig Sauvignon Blanc is fabulous, too. Not sure if they have made their way out there since they are a smaller, newer Napa winery. (Yeah, we’re spoiled living here since half the state is “wine country”) If we’re going for budget-friendly, Yellow Tail is a great option (reds and whites and they even have a sparkling version if you are craving bubbly!), but you can get that anywhere. Wow, I am outing myself as a total wino…

    When in doubt/overwhelmed, I ask the resident expert at our store: she is adorable and always takes time to offer up new suggestions. I feel like I should invite her over for dinner at this point!

  10. @Christen LOVE THE INFO! Thanks! I’ve had Yellowtail before and I think Cakebread. Can’t wait to try some of the others!

  11. This post just made me go pour myself a glass of barefoot pino.. @Christen I love yellowtail too. Cheap +good=WIN!!

  12. @Liz WOOT! Go you!

  13. @Liz: Oh, love the Barefoot, too! They also make a great bubbly if you’re looking to celebrate or make mimosas.

  14. @Christen I will defiantly try the bubs soon! Also Menage and trios- a bit more of a “splurge” @ 13.99, but one the best wines that Have hit my taste buds! One more thing (damn I feel like a wino now) California wine club- received it as a birthday gift last year, tasted some good ones, and you can re-order super cheap!

  15. @Liz: Oh, Menage a Trois is great stuff! And I think you are in good company, fellow wino. 🙂 I’ll check out that wine club for sure! Does it make me lazy to join California Wine Club if I already live in California? Ha!

  16. i think it just made me jealous! (I’m in MD) And living there makes it even better!

  17. @Liz: Don’t envy me TOO much. Yes, the promximity to wine is nice, but I live in a small college town. We know not of Anthropologie, Pottery Barn, etc. I go through withdrawls after all of my years in San Francisco!