These Cocktail Napkins Are Rated PG-13

These most definitely aren’t your grandmother’s dainty cocktail napkins but she is featured on them.  All of these napkins are by MikWright.  I collect these napkins because they are so TURBO FUNNY they will have you crying you are laughing so hard.  My new current fav is top left.  I was actually unable to read it to my husband because I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe.  What’s your fav?


  1. There are greeting cards with these prints, too! I am a fan of the bottom right one.

  2. @Christen YES! I think they make a ton of different stuff with these pics/sayings on them. I actually own the bottom right one. I like to put these out for parties and not say anything and wait for someone to read one. HILARIOUS!

  3. I like the one about bringing Mommy a martini….that is just awesome!

  4. @Tina LOVE IT TOO! It was probably one of the first that I bought…I think they are all just hysterical

  5. I cannot count the # of times I’ve thrown these in bag w/ a bottle of wine or other bottle alcohol & given them as a gift. They’re all hysterical, but for some reason, the “If a bear sh*ts in the woods should I have a cocktail?” just cracks me up!

  6. @Donna PERFECT idea! And I have not see the bear one–must have!

  7. Hi “Monica Martini” Fan! This is Phyllis the “wright” in MikWright, thanks so much for the LUV! Monica is a real person, my husbands cousin(honestly), also the same Aunts on “keep talkin, sayin nothin” napkin. visit our site when you need a good laugh,
    Ciao, Phyllis and the gang at MikWright …greetings that provoke.

  8. @Phyllis Thank you so much for stopping by!! So very cool to hear the “real” stories!!