New Years Survey: Sarah

I seriously cannot believe it’s been almost a year of NO POSTING!!!! As the other girls mentioned, so, so, so much has happened in the past year, which, in turn made 2012 gone in the blink of an eye. When I last posted, I had an almost one year old, and now that sweet little baby is about to turn TWO and is in full-on independent toddler mode!

Here’s 2009, 2010, and 2011, and here’s a glimpse of what’s been going on in 2012:

  1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before? We MOVED!!! Not very far, but into a new zip code, fabulous school district, and a gorgeous home that we have extra room to grow into.
  2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yes and no on keeping my resolutions from 2012. I totally kicked booty in the workout department. I did start to slack off the last month of the year, but I will still call it a success! My other resolution was to blog more and I would say that was an OBVIOUS fail. I will/did make more resolutions this year, and as per year’s past, I’ll post them soon! 🙂
  3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Der gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! (I’m also expecting my very first niece or nephew in the next couple of weeks, but that’s 2013 isn’t it!?!?!?! Still, sooooo excited!)
  4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank goodness.
  5. What countries did you visit? None, zippo, nada! We had a couple of mini vaca’s this year though, which was nice.
  6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012? I probably need a new ride; although, I’m struggling with this. I mean, my car is paid for and my husband’s will be paid for this month. Do I REALLY want another car payment?
  7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? January 31, 2012: We closed on our house after only being on the market for 6 days! February 29, 2012: We closed on our new home!!!!
  8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Selling and buying homes was the biggest learning curve. I will also call my son’s transition to his mother’s day out/pre-school program a huge achievement too because it was HARD on this Momma…
  9. What was your biggest failure? I don’t think we had a failure, whew, lets hope it’s the same for 2013!
  10. Did you suffer illness or injury? No, thank goodness.
  11. What was the best thing you bought? Not to sound like a broken record, but our new house! 2nd best thing was the plantation shutters FOR said house! 🙂
  12. Whose behavior merited celebration? My son. He has become such a fun little boy. Hard headed for sure and he definitely gets in a LOT of trouble sometimes, but the rate at which he’s constantly learning new things makes me want to celebrate him
  13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? This probably doesn’t need to be elaborated on…
  14. Where did most of your money go? (Broken record) Our house! We drained the bank for this bad boy, but it was so, so, so worth every cent.
  15. What did you get really excited about? The house, duh, but also hearing the news in May that my baby sister was going to have her own BABY!
  16. What song will always remind you of 2012? “I Remember When” by Kristen Kelly. Was introduced to her music by a high school friend, who just so happens to be KK’s best friend! KK released her first Nashville album this year and she’s great…should deff check her out!
  17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a)happier or sadder?happier b)thinner or fatter? thinner c)richer or poorer? poorer
  18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Stayed at home. We are on the road at least 2 out of the 4 weekends a month and I am SOOOOOO OVER IT!
  19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Work, but who likes to work!?!?!
  20. How did you spend Christmas? Like 2011, we travled all over the state of TX again…
  21. Did you fall in love in 2012? Keep falling more and more in love with my little family!
  22. What was your favorite TV program? Parenthood, the Good Wife, Nashville, Scandle, and ALL stupid/ridic reality TV programming. (teen mom, real housewives, etc.)
  23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?No.
  24. What was the best book you read? 50 Shades of Grey. I avoided this book for a LONG time because I thought it would be too much for me, but it’s seriously an amazing series and I am officially obsessed with Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele!
  25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Kristen Kelly
  26. What did you want and get? A new home!
  27. What did you want and not get? To have my house completely organized. I have some HIGHLY questionable closets.
  28. What was your favorite film of this year? I’m agreeing w/ AK. Breaking Dawn part 2. I’m pretty sure this was one of the only movies I watched this year and it was GREAT! Lawless was also pretty great.
  29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned the big 2-9 and  spent a fab day w/ the girls shopping and drinking at the Round Top antique/craft fair!
  30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Less stressing about the little things. Everything really does work itself out…
  31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012? Comfort and easy! I’ve been trying to stay out of sweatpants/work out shorts, but working from home makes it REALLY hard to get dressed. However, I’m hoping to do a better job in 2013…hmmmm, resolution maybe?
  32. What kept you sane? My husband and my Mom. I had several meltdowns with C going to school and she was always there to reassure me that I made the right decision.
  33. Who was the best new person you met? Probably our new neighbors! They have been great and really made our new neighborhood feel like home.
  34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
  35. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year“On the pontoon Makin’ waves and catchin’ rays up on the roof Jumpin’ out the back, don’t act like you don’t want to Party in slow motion Out here in the open Mmmmmmm…motorboatin’ “ ~ Little Big Town (I heard this song umpteenmillion times this summer…)
