Damn These Catalogs in My Mailbox

Hey I didn’t say we’d be able to afford EVERYTHING we post here, but a girl can dream can’t she?  The holidays ARE coming up, aren’t they?  Miracles can happen CAN’T THEY??!

  1. Sundance, Twig Bracelet
  2. Sundance, Twists and Turns Turquoise Ring
  3. Sundance, E Pluribus Bracelet
  4. Sundance, Contessa Bracelet
  5. Crows Nest Trading Co, Iona Earrings
  6. Sundance, Modernity Disk Ring
  7. Sundance, Personalized Vintage Double Tag Bracelet
  8. Pandora, Match Silver Rope Ring
  9. King Ranch Saddle Shop, Turquoise Oval & Cross Earrings
  10. Sundance, Artemis Bracelet
  11. Anthropologie, Sparkle & Dazzle Cuff

La Virgen de Guadalupe (that means THE Virgen de Guadalupe)

That’s my husband’s favorite joke…”Do you know what La Cocina means?…THE Cocina”…followed by much laughter.  Hey, his joke not mine.  So I couldn’t resist when writing up this post.

If you live in Texas, the Virgin of Guadalupe is probably a sight you’ve seen many times.  I’m not Catholic but I love the colors and stars and everything about the image.  My aunt has these boots and they are AMAZING and I may or may not need to steal them from her closet.

  1. Rocketbuster, Virgin Guadalupe Black
  2. Crows Nest Trading Co, Your Heart Is Free Ring by Sweet Bird Studio
  3. James Avery, Virgin of Guadalupe Charm
  4. Stinky Monkey 4 Eva Etsy Shop, La Virgin de Guadalupe Apron
  5. Junk Gypsy, Turquoise Guadalupe Cuff

I Need Cardigan Anonymous

Hi, I’m addicted to cardigans.  I have a lot of cardigans.  One of the things that has fueled my addiction to cardigans is buying solid colors to ensure that I can wear them with as many outfits as possible.  What I’m seeing is that a cardigan can in fact be an accessory now what with all the ruffles, embroidery, stripes and prints available.  I need help, this has opened a whole new world for me.


  1. Garnet Hill, Lambswool Intarsia Cardigan
  2. Fossil, Kennedy Sweater
  3. J. Crew, Jackie Cardigan*
  4. Old Navy, Women’s Ruffle Front Cardigan
  5. Boden, Rosette Cardigan
  6. Dillard’s, Peter Nygard Animal-Print Cardigan
  7. Gap, Striped Cardi
  8. Anthropologie, Anemone Bloom Cardigan
  9. Chadwick’s, Tweed Corsage Cardigan

*YES it’s a solid, I told you I have a problem.  I can’t change my ways overnight.

Etsy Spotlight: Lo Lo’s Rings

Rings!  I LOVE bright funky rings!  One funky ring can add just the pop of color an outfit needs.  I was just browsing Etsy one day…like I do every most days.  Shut up, everyone does it. Wait. What? You don’t browse Etsy EVERYDAY??  Loser.  So anyway, I ran across Lo Lo’s Rings and fell in love with the Crabby Patties Ring.  You would not believe what I can wear this ring with…ALOT, trust me.  Lo Lo’s Rings are super comfy because they have elastic cords for the band.  I’ve been eyeing the Iced Blueberry Ring for a while…which one are you going after?

A Cupful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down

And by medicine of course you knew I meant PIE.  Pie for the HOLIDAYS. The holidays COMING UP!!  Spruce up your measuring with these adorable measuring cups/spoons.  Who knew measuring cups could be so FUN!


  1. Anthropologie, Izmir Measuring Cups
  2. Anthropologie, Florist Measuring Cups
  3. Anthropologie, Mod Measuring Set
  4. Anthropologie, Puffer Bird Measuring Cups

Note to self:  Throw away toddler gnawed measuring cups.

It’s a Hootenanny!

So I think you are catching on to my owl obsession.  It began with my son’s nursery and it just seemed to take off from there.  I just see owls EVERYWHERE!  Hoo you lookin’ at foo?!  That’s right, I said it!


  1. Anthropologie, Owling Sake Pot
  2. Cocoa & Milkweed’s Etsy Shop, Woodsy the Owl bib
  3. Urban Outfitters, Recycled Tin Owl
  4. Napa Style, Watchful Wooden Owl
  5. Fruitfly Pie’s Etsy Shop, Ceramic Owl Piggy Bank Vintage Design-Orange
  6. Anthropologie, Wide-Eyed Dishtowel-Aqua
  7. Sundance Catalog, Wisdom Necklace
  8. Crow’s Nest Trading Co., Peyton Owl Pendant

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go!

Every morning my “pick me up” involves one cup of black Dunkin Donuts coffee (or four…don’t judge) and one packet of Nestle’s Hot Chocolate…fat free of course because it makes it all better if it has that label of fat free right?  Anyway, I LOVE this combo and yes it matters on the brand of coffee and the brand of hot chocolate.  It will taste different if you use a substitute.  I’m a perfectionist, what can I say.  Speaking of perfection, as I was flipping through my new CB2 catalog, I ran across something that might just make my morning routine even better.  Check it, it’s a mug with ITS OWN SPOON!


CB2, Spoon Coffee Mug

Knock Your Socks Off

We’ve all seen the Trumpette Mary Jane Socks for girls but what about the little guys?  What do we have to cover up those chubby little baby cankles??  I’ve got just the thing to keep those baby toes toasty!


  1. Uncommon Goods, Johnny Skater Socks
  2. Boden, 7 Pack Sock Box
  3. Amazon, Trumpette Baby Camo Socks
  4. Uncommon Goods, Johnny Infant Socks
  5. Amazon, Trumpette PeeWee Argyle Box Set

Haircare for the Humidity & Unruly Challenged

As my fellow Tipsy buds, Der and Court have posted about their tried and true hair products, it got me thinking about how the four of us have such different hair and the challenges that we face living in this humidity pit we live in.  My hair=thick, unruly, ALOT, thick..did I say thick?  Good Lord I have a lot of hair on this head of mine.

Here is the stuff I’m currently using…I say currently because I think I’m a closeted hair product addict–I like to pretend I don’t need a lot of hair product assistance when in actuality I do.  And my hair gets used to certain products after a while, so I have to change it up from time to time.  This is what is currently working for me…I’ll keep you posted when I change it up.

  1. Pureology Super Straight Shampoo-LOVE the smell of this.  Like LOVE love.
  2. Original Crema Ultra Moisturizing Conditioner by Terax-I originally heard about this from the great Whoorl/Hair Thursday and while I was a little skeptical when I realized the consistency of it was THICK, man o man do I love this conditioner!  It’s done wonders for my hair and it detangles like nobody’s business.
  3. Pureology Serious Colour Care Superstraight Serum-they call this a “serum” but when I think serum I think sorta liquidy, its not, its a gel.  My wavy/unruly hair needs some sort of gel type product when I blow dry it and this is what I’m currently loving.
  4. Pureology Antifade Complex Super Smooth Hot Iron Protection-I use this after my hair has been dried and before I flat iron it.  I’ve tried just spraying it all over and then flat ironing and I’ve also tried spraying as I go with the flat iron.  My hair seems to do better with the later.  I’ve read some reviews where people have said it leaves their hair sticky and crunchy or something, but I haven’t had this experience.  It leaves my hair really soft and shiny and it almost seems easier to get my hair straight with this stuff.
  5. Redken 03 Water Wax Shine Defining Pomade-I use this after I’m done with the flat iron…I get a little bit on my fingers and just kinda run my fingers from underneath all over my hair and then tame the crazy hairs around my face.  I also morph my bangs in the direction I want them to go and it seems to stay pretty well with this stuff.
  6. Moisture Barrier Firm Hold Hair Spray Frizz Ease by John Frieda-I don’t always use hair spray but if the weather is particularly wet out or the humidity is like a wall of hot steam when I walk outside, I spray a little of this all over.  My trick is that I lightly spray it, let it dry and then carefully brush it out.  It leaves just enough hold but my hair still moves.

So there you have it, those are my current tricks for taming this head of hair.  Some days the products win, and other days the humidity wins.  I bet you anything, the minute I post this info the humidity will win.

What Did You Do With My Keys? Oh Nevermind, My Bad

My husband and I use these his/hers key holders from Uncommon Goods and have gotten tons of compliments and “where did you get those” questions. They come with little keys you add to your keychain or key ring and when you get home, insert key, done. Have at it: Uncommon Goods, His And Hers Key Holders