Just Shelve It

Lets face it, you can never have too many shelves around your house because: Shelves = Extra Storage!!!!

  1. West Elm, Metal Spine Wall Shelf
  2. Etsy, Metal Sculptures for Shelves
  3. Etsy, 48 inch Veronica floating shelf
  4. Etsy, Wooden Owl shelves
  5. CB2, cube walnut wall shelf
  6. Etsy, Tetris Inspired Wall Hanging

Get On My Bed!

Holy cow are these pillows calling my name! The color! The details! Right up my alley, folks.

  1. Target, Hannah Decorative Pillow
  2. Target, Botanica Decorative Pillow
  3. Target, Poise Decorative Pillow
  4. Etsy, Mod Diva
  5. Crate and Barrel, Remy Throw Pillow
  6. Crate and Barrel, Sooki Purple Pillow
  7. World Market, Suzani Chinchilla Grey Toss Pillow
  8. Etsy, Pilo Mio

Keep Calm, Keep Calm, Keep Calm

So everybody and their dog or cat for that matter has most likely seen the Keep Calm and Carry On posters, right?  If you haven’t, what bridge have you been living under?  Anywho, I like the motto because I’m the type of person that has been known to inch towards the stressed out, anxiety filled side.  What.  Here’s a few items that have the motto that you can incorporate into your more day to day life.  My personal fav is #3, the band-aids.

  1. Wisteria, Keep Calm Tote
  2. Paper Source, Keep Calm and Carry On Water Bottle
  3. Paper Source, Keep Calm and Carry On Bandages
  4. Avenue B’s Etsy Shop, Keep Calm and Carry On Pendant
  5. Wisteria, Keep Calm Hand Towels
  6. Hutch Me’s Etsy Shop, Keep Calm and Carry On Baby Onesie

Etsy Spotlight: Old New Again

I’ve been looking for a ampersand to hang on my wall…I’ve been thinking about hanging one in my bedroom…so as I was perusing Etsy what do you know! I found one! And in colors that are RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!  I’m thinking I may need to purchase more than just the ampersand.  That turquoise shelf is also calling my name.  That could be used for keys or dog leashes (Der) or necklaces or who knows what! So go check out the rest of the items at Old New Again, you may be surprised what you find!

P.S. they do other states besides Texas but you know I gotta represent!

P.P.S if I hang “nap” in my son’s room with it make it so?

I’m Puzzled

I think these little gems are the coolest things.  I think they can act as a fun, functional hiding places for some of your more precious items.  Some of these boxes take 5, 10 and sometimes up to 20 different moves to merely open them.

  1. 10 Step Japanese Puzzle
  2. Indian Cat Puzzle
  3. Keepsake Puzzle Box – I own one almost identical to this, love it.  Fun to just disassemble and reassemble.
  4. 3 Step Polish Box
  5. Large Celtic Design Secret Box
  6. 4 Step Japanese Box
  7. 5 Move Morrocan Box

Weiner Dog Nursery…WHAT? WHAT?

You got it folks. I’ll be shoving my love of all things weiner dog all up in my child’s face, whether boy or girl. Before you get skeptical, have a looksee here. This is gonna be one cute room for a bambino. These are the findings so far, but I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted on the DIY weiner room.

  1. Etsy, Barbeque the Dachshund– Already purchased and waiting to be framed on the wall. (we need to know a sex for a pretty pink or blue frame)
  2. One Step Ahead, Hanging Photoclip Mobile – Another recent purchase. Love that I can clip Luca, Zoe or Mia’s Head shots or switch it around at any time.
  3. Ebay, Black Dachshund Fabric – I’m debating on a crib skirt or bumper with some tiny doxies dancin around on it.
  4. Wooden Toddler Toys, Dachshund Dog Pet Lamp– To light up his/her day- only the way a weiner can!
  5. Etsy, Mod Dachshund Print– My lovely friend Court purchased this for me and it’s just as cute as it looks.
  6. Etsy, Keep Calm and Love Doxies– It’s a great motto for a new mom or for a new baby.
  7. Etsy, Paisley the Weiner Dog– Colorful and cute, but could easily be destroyed by the wrath of my actual weiners. MUST be kept out of reach.

Etsy Spotlight: Peppermint Charms

I am absolutely loving on this shop I just happened upon…Peppermint Charms.  What originally caught my eye was the ability to wear your child’s art as a necklace.  SUPER ADORABLE.  I’m definitely going to be adding that one as a favorite for when my kiddo is actually of art making age.  Some of the other necklace charms available are SUPER FUNNY and definitely going to be going in my cart shortly.  What’s your favorite?

Etsy Spotlight: Sweetness by Sarah Lamont

Court got us geared up for Easter this morning with all the goods for her son.  So I thought I’d continue the trend and do an Etsy Spotlight on Sweetness by Sarah Lamont.  For those of you with little munchkins you are probably going to want to jump on this STAT.  These are totally adorable bunny ear hats!  And modeling the one that we purchased for our first Easter last year is my little Jackrabbit!

Easter Bunny is Coming to Town

So, Easter is always a neat time of the year.  Church, hidden plastic eggs filled with money, and family.  That all makes sense right?

Seriously though, I love scoping out goodies for my son, Austin’s, basket.  Check it out (rated: 7-year-old boy).

  1. Pocket Bunny– handmade and adorable.  Love it.
  2. Bunny Crayons – I love seeing something as simple as crayons in a shape like a bunny to celebrate the day.
  3. Soccer Easter Basket – for my little future Pelé.
  4. Travel Battelship – these types of things are great for going on trips, around the house with out the clutter and just to have when he spends the night at a friends.  Austin has really gotten into Risk lately.  Anyone seen an updated or travel version of Risk?
  5. Peeps – ‘nough said.
  6. Venus Fly Trap Kit – has anyone been watching the new series on the Discovery Channel, Life?  Well, its great, Aus and I really love watching it together and it makes it totally rational to give my son a Venus Fly Trap for Easter.
  7. Indoor Boomerang – I always kick myself in the ass for toys like this.  But, an indoor boomerang?  Pretty sure we need to test it just to make sure it WON’T break things.
  8. Giant LED Flashlight – Aus has a million flashlights, but the LED and the size makes this one even cooler.

Pretty as a Penny

I’ve found myself admiring any and all things that are made of copper here lately…I’m not sure when or why this obsession started, but I am LOVING it and here are a few of my faves:

  1. Pottery Barn, Copper Bucket
  2. Anthropologie, Redsmith Dining Chair
  3. Anthropologie, Metals & Petals Vase
  4. Etsy, Hammered Copper Pans
  5. Etsy, Extra Large Copper Hoops