Bold Bedding for Bambinos

I’m in the process of converting my son’s room into a “big boy” room and have definitely been drawn to bold stripes or solids for his bedding.  In my hunt for the perfect bedding I ran across Garnet Hill’s bedding and LOVE what they have going on with these bold stripes and polka dots.  Those bold striped shams are the bomb!

P.S. Did you know that Garnet Hill also has crib sheets! OMG

  1. French Stripe Jersey Knit Bedding
  2. Dot to Dot Percale Bedding
  3. Elementary Comforter & Sham

We are zGallerie

It’s been a while since I sniffed around  zGallerie and I am falling hard for their spring decor.  Loving on the colors and the fact that most of these aren’t breaking the bank for me.

  1. Canisters
  2. Frames
  3. Flower Tealights
  4. Lanterns
  5. Pillar Holders

Bamboo Love

For whatever reason, I’m finding myself drawn to all things made of bamboo here lately…maybe it’s the colors, maybe it’s the natural material, but whatever the reason, here are a few of my current loves:

  1. CB2, Bamboo Dry Erase
  2. Target, Red Bamboo Vase
  3. Target, Good Cook Bamboo Spatulas
  4. Target, Coiled Bamboo Bowl (They have this in turquoise in the store and I NEED it on my dining room table!)

An Apple a Day

So I’m curious…how many of you have Apple TV? Do you use it a ton and if so how has it worked for you thus far?  We have TiVo and will at times rent movies from Amazon Video on Demand and download them to the TiVo.  Other times we watch stuff on the TiVo’s Netflix streaming.  The Netflix streaming sucks a bit because it times out here and there and can be very frustrating.  I’m curious for those of you that have Apple TV, does yours time out?  We are just wondering if we need to add an Apple TV to our home.  What say you?

Purty Parsons

Last week on The Nate Berkus Show he did a little segment where he put together a little area (side table, chair, lamp, and rug) and he had the audience guess how much it all cost him.  Not to ruin the fun, but it was just under $100.  He said the table he found was thrifted and he painted it.  I love the pops of colors and ran across some tables at Walmart that would have the same effect and guess what, they are super cheap!  I love all the colors!

Parsons Accent Tables, Walmart

Fireplace Logs

We have a gas fireplace that we have been burning real wood in for the past 3 years, but we’re now ready to invest in some gas logs…the only problem, we have zippo clue what to buy or what to look for to buy.

Can someone please tell me a) what are the difference in these logs and b) are the logs all we need or is there something else we need to buy?

Comfy Cozy

I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic job that I love AND I get to work from home! Working from home means, I rarely wear makeup (unless I have a lunch date w/ one of my fabulous Tipsy gals or co-workers) and I rarely wear anything other than lounge wear.

Luckily, me being preggo has not effected this part of my wardrobe because I can still wear ALL of my pre-pregnancy faves (at least as far as the pants go)! Here are some of the staples of my “working from home” wardrobe:

  1. Athleta, Breathe Pant (These come in long sizes so I don’t have to rock “capri” pants when it’s 30 degrees outside.)
  2. Target, Liz Lange Maternity Straight Leg Lounge Pants (Hands down, most comfortable pants EVER.)
  3. Target, Mossimo Plus-size Short Sleeve Basic Tee (I accidentally bought this shirt thinking it was maternity wear, but it turned out to be super-cute. Even if you’re not preggo, just buy the tee in a size smaller than your typical tee. It’s the perfect “slouchy stylish” tee. OH and it’s really long so it will cover your butt when you’re wearing yoga pants!)
  4. Restoration Hardware, Luxury Plush Slippers (Best slippers EVER.)

Pillow Talk

I ran across these pillows while Christmas shopping and fell in love with the “All is Bright” & “All is Calm” so they immediately were marked favorites for me.  Then I started thinking and thought, wouldn’t it be a cool idea to have my sons’ names on them and have one in each of their rooms.  So that’s definitely my plan.  But I’m a big fan of “Did You Think to Pray”.  Are you in love with these as much as I am?

Amme and Neb, Etsy

Bean Box

I ran across these super cute shadow boxes on Etsy the other day and just had to share!!  These would be very cute to spell out your child’s name or just to do a little ABC montage.  Love it!

Foolish Things, Etsy

To Spend or NOT to Spend

THAT is the question. I don’t have any curtains hanging in my house, but I would like to start slowly dressing my windows. First up, my office!

I want long, chocolate curtains, but my dilemma is: do I spend the extra $$$ to get good quality curtains or do I get the cheapo’s? What have you done in your house?