Confessions of Tipsy Girls

Ok, so a couple of us may not have been completely open with everyone over the past few months.  I told my fellow tipsy gal AK its time we come clean.

Confession the first:  AK and I are true to the game Twilighters.  Don’t hate the players, or the game.  Sure we may be a tad behind, but these books–damnation, we couldn’t put them down (see next confession).

Confession the second:  AK and I both were known to read said books while driving at stop lights.

Confession the third:  I loved these books so much I went into a complete trance while reading.  Also, I love the name Emse so much, I’ve called dibs if I have a girl 🙂

And finally, I have to have this jacket:

Twilight Jacket – holy hell, I am totally in love.  Just the thing I need.  Combines my love for Twilight, hoodies and all things awesome.

Oh, one more thing–TEAM EDWARD BABY!


Get it?  You can thank Der for that knee slapper.  So…to go along with my all.things.Asian.obsession, I’ve always wanted and loved Kimonos. In fact, I wore one for a particular Halloween (about 4 years ago)  and I believe that just may have been the happiest day of my life, well next to various other moments (childbirth, meeting my love–you know, the usual ladies).

I guess as an attempt to relive that moment on Halloween, I been loving on the Kimono styled shirts.  My picks:

  1. Alloy Paisley Kimono
  2. Francesca’s Sparkle & Sprinkle Kimono
  3. Target Xhilaration V-Neck Kimono Top
  4. Walmart’s Norma Kamali Stripe Jersey Kimono
  5. J. Jill Floral Kimono

Mad about Mod-Dog

I think we have a bit of a competition brewing between the Tipsy Ladies.  Who can acquire the most 4 legged friends (kittahs or doxies) and even better….who can buy the most shit for them to play with, that looks like them, to put on them or just honoring them?  Der, your slowly turning into the crazy wiener lady.  Very questionable name.

I am very crazy cat lady who is CRAZY about this Mod-dog’s work.

  1. Personalized Fine Art – gotta love Pablo.
  2. Mod Dachshund Print – I got this in Grass Green for Der’s birthday.  Matted it and framed it like shown and may love it more than she does.
  3. Mod Main Coon Cat Print
  4. Copper Pet ID Tag
  5. Labrador Retriever Note cards – this has Sarah name all over it (re: Abby her 3 year old baby lab).

Their tagline is cute:  Modern Art for Modern Pets.  That can also be translated into Modern Art for pet owners that are bat.shit.crazy for their four legged friends.

I <3 Because It’s Nuts (like me).

I found your mercury glass AK.  One slight detail–they are mushrooms.  But why not?  Also, why not have salt and peppa shakers shaped liked ninjas?  Here are some of my favorite picks from

  1. Creepy Cute Crochet DIY Craft Book – when I do learn how to crochet, it will most certainly be these little zombies.
  2. Day Dream Panel – looks very Asian to me ladies.  Which means I am sold.
  3. Ninjas Salt & Pepper Shaker Set – I think everyone could use more ninja in their lives.  Don’t you?
  4. Pink Cristale Plume Feather Pen – my level of professionalism will be taken up 1000 notches when the folks at the office see my scribing with this.
  5. Lime Best of Both Worlds Mugs – one side is a tea cup (for all the tea parties I still have with my teddy bears) and one side is a legit coffee mug.  Business on the front, party on the back–similar to a mullet.
  6. The Chef’s Planning Kit – comes with all sorts of to do lists, shopping pads, menu organizers and sure to be hilarious Chef’s Quote Book.  Made for that chef in your life (re: Jwo).
  7. Mercury Glass Decorative Mushrooms – look no further AK.  Found the perfect mercury glass to adorn your mantel.  Yes, yes, they are mushrooms, but I think that says a lot about character:)

Forever Young

So, Forever 21 has done a lot for me and all you ladies and gents out there.  I think their price point is what really draws people in.  2 dollas for a shirt?  Sold.  99 cents for a ring?  Count me in.

They’ve evolved and gotten even smarter.  Kids clothing.  HTG81 to be exact.   Cause what parent doesn’t waste just as much money on clothes for kids as they do for themselves? I am partial to the boys clothing because I would prefer my son wear boys clothing, but they have really cute items for chickadees as well–here are some of my favs:

I Love My Pet This Many Dollars Worth

I am going to preface this post by saying that these are adorable and are a representation of how my kittahs would live if I had all the monies in the world.  I would also love to shower my cats with awesome bedding and furniture if it weren’t for the fact that every.single.night Tiger ends up in my bed and Dill Pickle ends up in Austin’s.  Nothing better than curling up with a good kittah!

Either way, cat or dog, all of these are ADORABLE.

  1. Hepper Pod
  2. Kitty Pod Mini
  3. Hepper Wave
  4. Woven Pet Basket
  5. Modern Cat Designs Condo
  6. EGR Sun Blossoms Dog Bed

Anyone care to share where their cat or dog sleeps?

Give Me a Wedge(e)!

Get it?   HAHAHA.  I’m pretty lame.

So,  I’ve figured out that due to various situations I am not longer eligible for stilettos or 4 inch heels.  I have outlined these below:

  • WAS- weak ankle syndrome
  • achy feet
  • getting too damned old
  • not wanting to feel like too much of a stripper
  • the high likelihood that if I have consumed any alcohol at all–I could end up DFO (done fell out aka, on the ground)

The solution?  Easy, a wedge or platform.  I am completely in love.  The elegance for the dressier times, the comfort I need.  Here’s a few I have my eyes on.

  1. Michael Antonio Green Wedge
  2. Rampage Wedge with Turquoise
  3. Jessica Simpson Orange Wedge
  4. BCBG Crimson Platform
  5. Xhiliration Olive Wedge

On another note, all of these seem to have a pretty good price tag!

Maybelline Foundation Love

Der brought us her thoughts on Maybelline’s Superstay Silky foundation and I’ll have to admit its aiighht (alright).  But what I need you ladies to do is feast your eyes upon THIS.

This is Maybelline’s Instant Age Rewind® The Eraser Treatment Makeup.  The perks?  It looks like a bingo blotter, you can put it on in a real hurry (all you working moms) and it really gives a silky, not caked-on-finish.  I would recommend this to anyone who has ten minutes to do make up each day.  And, like I said, it looks like a bingo blotter.  Oh and its 10 bucks!

Decorative File Folders…Someone Owes Me An Apology

So I STUMBLED upon these darlings while doing my normal troll through Francesca’s.  Apparently there is a cute, funky and completely awesome way to store ugly papers on your desk.  WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME????

The pics shown are the three that I scooped up (50 cents each!!!!) and I couldn’t be more tickled looking @ my desk sporting these things.  My desk smiles back.  Links to tons of these beauts.

  1. Emma Designer File Folders
  2. Sophie Designer Folders
  3. Hootie File Folders

Sporty Spice Spring Collection, Bring On The Heat!!!

I’m ready for the sun.  Not alot of stores have gone completely tank top, sandals and shorts, but I am definitely ready for a little spring in my step.  Here are a few pieces and items that I plan on adding to my collection.

  1. Francesca’s Hoodie – if it has a hoodie, put my name on it.  These are thin and colorful.  Totally getting it.
  2. Tulle Jacket – because I like to run my AC right about 80 degrees, I will still need something to cover myself through the next few months.  Too cute.  On another note, I have also realized that I am an addict of this sites Tulle’s Day sales.  I racked in 5 nice peices for about 25.00 (including shipping).  You should defintely join their mailing list if you aren’t on it already to cash in on the saving.  Der was in on the last sale too and raked it in as well.  It’s also fun to call random days ‘Tulle’s Day’, I owe that site for that as well!
  3. Roxy Tank – because its cute.  That is all.
  4. Opi  –  Done out in Deco – I own this color already, so I am ahead of game on this one.  I love it because its a  purple nail color, but not completely offensive.  There is a very fine line there ladies.  Very fine.
  5. Old Navy Cargos – am I too old to wear these?  Probably.  Will they flatter my figure?  Most likely not.  Are they badass because they have tiny little paint splatters on them? Hellz yes.
  6. Fossil Crossbody – as long as my obession with cross body bags doesn’t turn to fanny packs, I think the tipsy girls will still dig my style.  I can’t decide if I need this one in red or pink?
  7. Simple Slippers – I’ll need these for when I feel like wearing red seude shoes.  I don’t know about ya’ll but that may just be every day for me.